Thursday, February 19, 2009


Can't believe i stayed up all night writing this stupid thing..It felt like writting an essay for an exam when i wrote this....Wahahahahaha....=.=...This is what happens when people get too much free time...=)


It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all..That is what we are told often..however,I can tell you from experience that it can be a disease to your insides,spreading and weakening you..making you want to lock yourself up inside away from the chance of getting hurt again.

I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say that if you just get over it then it won't hurt anymore,and that time is going to fix everything like it's so simple.

It's not that simple.It takes courage to pick yourself up when you've been kicked,it takes guts and it takes self-loving.It takes risk.

I spent years in torment over lost loves,people I planned on making a future with,someone who in the end only looked for a easy way out.At first I let it rip me up,I kept thinking it was my fault,if I had done this or that things would have been different..Maybe they would have..but tormenting yourself over those things can only leave you confused and more broken like it did me.

I can type and talk until I fill the page,you can read it but I know that you'll in the end only do what you wish,because in the end it only matters if your ready to let go or not.

One day,you'll wake up and realize that you've wasted time,precious,wonderful time but don't let it hurt you more,hold your head up high and plunge in when your ready,because your not nothing just because one person doesn't want to be with you.

It hurts to let go of someone you loved so deeply and so unguardly,but sometimes you have to,sometimes it's just better for both of you to let go and stop clinging to something that was,because it can only turn into loathing and pent up anger that you'll take out the second any tiny bit of jealousy hits.Sometimes it's better not to wait.

And it took me a long time to figure that out..I hope you get it faster then I did.Even if you don't get anything I've said and it just goes through one ear and out the other,it doesn't mean that you just like the pain.It simply means your not ready yet,your not ready to let go of everything you knew and thought was real..and that's okay.

It's not a crime to love someone so much that it's hard to let go,don't let anyone put you down for giving your all,because it's always better to be able to say you loved true and got hurt trying to be happy with someone you wanted to be with forever.

It's always better to try.It's always better to forgive.It's always better to not run,but to plunge into the unknown..because..if we don''s forever unknown and always a fear.

I'm homer hulk now....Wahahahahahaha

I'm still bored...=/

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